Would you like to feel really comfortable, healthy and successful and vital at home and in your surroundings?
contact us!
what is Vital-Energi™ Design
Every change in our natural environment affects our minds and bodies. Again, it is important to know how, and what one should do in order to lead a life enriched by the nurturing aspects of nature.
The harmony between man, nature, buildings and man-made environments is an important part of vitalising 'feel-good' design
All structures, their layouts, building materials and symbols in our surroundings influence us mentally, physically and emotionally.
smooth & harmonizing livingspace...
High energy levels and harmonious design at home guarantee vitality, which is the basis for good health and success in life
Organic, balanced architecture, which facilitates good air circulation, also increases a feeling of comfort at home.
Harmonious, 'healthy' buildings can be designed according to ancient Feng Shui guidelines; according to the building's function; the various wishes of the tenants; healthy, harmonious construction and decor materials. So can the health, vitality and prosperity of the tenants be permanently improved.
Every person has the right to a healthy, harmonious and successful life!
A house is not just a house!
Include us already in the beginning of planning stages for your renovation and new construction projects.
When Qi-Mag® Feng Shui is properly put into play, it can bring vitality and dynamism to a space and harmony, health and success to the tenants.
Content of a consultation:
- Feng Shui house and apartment suggestions considering the external conditions such as structural walls, pillars and construction guidelines in order to secure prosperity, health and harmony in the family.
- Consideration of geopathic and cosmic force fields during the construction of a house.
- Optimal layout of rooms in the rhythm of yin and yang for the balance and harmony of the tenants
- Choosing the best locations for toilets, storage and bathrooms.
- The economical ordering of doors, windows, stairways and ovens/chimneys/fireplaces
- Proper positioning and installation of electrical systems and fixtures in order to protect the tenants from their negative effects.
- Optimal design and decoration of bedrooms, kitchen and bath.
- Calculation of the 'flying stars' in order to encourage prosperity. The constantly changing cosmic influences are also considered here.
- Consideration of the cardinal points according to the Feng Shui east-west system, for harmony and balance in buildings.
- Natural, unimpeded energy-flow (Qi/ energy) in the house or apartment, for an optimal quality of life for the tenants.
- Colours and symbols in the home, according to criteria 5 of the elements.
- Concept and guidelines by Qi-mag® Feng Shui for a lively building design.
- Advantageous tuning with street traffic and optimal division of the construction site according to the criterion of landscape Feng Shui ( also in hilly areas)
- Identification of disturbing force fields (for example, water veins, benkerlines etc.)
on the construction site
- Geomantic activation of the 'heart point' (omphalos), of the lung point, and of the center (genius loci) of the construction site for harmony and vitality of the tenants
- Correct placement of houses on various pieces of land
- Analysis and definition of the effects of the land's dimensions upon the tenants